Digital Marketing | 1 minute read
Setting Goals Using The SMART Framework
Glen Quinn
Written by Glen Quinn
Setting Goals Using The SMART Framework

Goal setting is a must for business growth and success. Without goals you lack direction and focus, and you have no benchmarks to measure success. Set goals that motivate you to work hard and excel. The SMART framework is a great tool to use when setting goals.

Setting Goals Using The SMART Framework


Your goal should be clear and as specific as possible. You should have a concise idea of your goal that you can focus your efforts toward. The goal should specify the intention and the time frame. Know what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve it by.


Your goals need to be measurable to allow you to track your progress. When you can see your progress, it will motivate you to continue working toward your goals.


The goals you set need to be realistic and achievable. Make sure you have the necessary resources and capabilities in order to reach your goal.


Make sure your goal is relevant to your overall business goals. Ask questions such as:

  • Is the timing right?
  • Is this worthwhile?
  • Does the goal match our business needs?
  • Is there suitable resources and employees to help us to achieve the goal?


Make sure you set a deadline for your goal. A deadline will give you something to work towards and can be a source of motivation. As well as having a final deadline, it could also be of benefit to have deadlines for smaller tasks within the goal to ensure you are making good progress.

By following the SMART framework you can think about your goals more clearly and focus on them. Consequently, you are more likely to accomplish them. So now all that is left to do is to go and achieve your goals! Best of luck!

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